GIA CERTIFICATE1405581209-D-VS2-0.41ct
GIA CERTIFICATE 6412401377-E-VS2-0.40ct
GIA CERTIFICATE 2417809554-F-SI1-0.32ct
GIA CERTIFICATE 5406618262-D-VS2-0.38ct
GIA CERTIFICATE 6425422158-E-VS2-0.24ct
GIA CERTIFICATE 6452667055-H-VS2-0.70ct
GIA CERTIFICATE 7458564456-E-SI1-1.00ct
GIA CERTIFICATE 1423928998-H-SI1-0.90ct
GIA CERTIFICATE 1189364847-H-VS1-0.50ct
GIA CERTIFICATE 1189211365-G-VS2-0.50ct
GIA CERTIFICATE 1139528151Carat: 1.01ctColor: HClarity: VS1Cut: ROUND Antoine Saliba World of Jewelry is Committed to Offering you the Best Certified Diamond at the Best Wholesale Price, Referring to the Rapaport Pricing List. Conditions Apply.
GIA CERTIFICATE 2136184373Carat: 1.00ctColor: HClarity: VS2Cut: ROUND Antoine Saliba World of Jewelry is Committed to Offering you the Best Certified Diamond at the Best Wholesale Price, Referring to the Rapaport Pricing List. Conditions Apply.
GIA CERTIFICATE 2161447921-G-VS2-0.30ct
HRD CERTIFICATE F1300044068-H-VS2-0.77ct
GIA CERTIFICATE 2111549779-E-VS2-0.50ct