GIA CERTIFICATE 2324018022-D-VS2-0.50ct
Our 30 days return policy gives you plenty of time to consider your purchase.
If for any reason you are not satisfied, you can return any item without custom engraving in its original condition within 30 days of the date of shipment for a refund.It's that simple.
In case of a return, the customer will be charged:
1- 10% charge of the total bill value for handling fees and management.2- Shipping costs for delivering the order as mentioned in the bill.
If you pay a total of $500 including a shipping cost of $45 we will charge:
$500 - 10% = $450 (commission)
$450 - $45= $405 (shipping)
You will be refunded $405 after we receive the order and review its condition.
If you fail to send the item or we do not receive the returned goods we will not refund the amount.
All Antoine Saliba World of Jewelry products come with free, elegant gift packaging. You may also enclose personalized greetings with your order.